Client Release Notes

Stay up to date with the latest features and changes.

4/16/2024 - 12:08 PM


  • Improves the render output auto-download by using our all-new events stream.


  • Issue where download and upload failed due to authentication issues.
3/6/2024 - 04:34 PM

Bug Fixes

  • A 401 error was fixed, which appeared when the render client was open but running in the background.
  • Fixes an issue where the release channel switch wouldn’t restart the application with the newly selected channel.


  • Improved file transfer by adding retry logic in case of failure.
  • Improved file transfer error handling with new error package
2/15/2024 - 09:22 AM


  • If you have only one team, it will be automatically selected for you, and you don't have to choose the team yourself.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where project import failed with a "404 Not Found" message due to the wrong team being selected.
  • Fixed a bug where render import would show cached data instead of loading the updated file from the Scene Manager.
  • Fixed a bug where team selection wouldn’t work on the "All Teams" page.
11/27/2023 - 02:04 PM


  • Added thumbnails of the render result to the render detail modal. This feature is currently only available for non-EXR file types.We would love to receive your feedback about this feature.


  • Improved Helio's 3ds Max plugin that handles the import flow.
  • Enhanced the project catalog selection by providing information on how to add projects using different tools such as Scene Manager, Helio's own Max plugin, and others.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where multiple clicks on "stop" would delete a rendering.
  • Fixed a bug where auto-download in the background would overload the computer after awakening from sleep.
  • Fixed a bug where resubmit wouldn’t pre-fill out the render settings data.
11/23/2023 - 12:16 PM


  • Improved error messages of upload or download to better understand how to fix them.
  • Improved info text for file uploads or download if there are queued but not running yet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where auto download in background didn’t work in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where parallel download limits where ignored.
  • Fixed a bug where imported project from Pulze Scene Manager or Helios Blender plugin where causing error messages.
  • Fixed a bug where users tired to add a project without a name which leads to API errors.
  • Fixed a bug where automated downloads didn’t work in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where a new window would open on Windows with every Updater check.
11/17/2023 - 01:16 PM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes download bug for projects imported by Helios Blender plugin.
9/6/2023 - 12:25 PM


  • Adds the teams feature, which allows you to create different teams and invite members to one or multiple teams.
  • A report has been added to provide you with an overview of your activities. If you are an admin, it will cover your entire team.
  • Metrics are now visible on the client for each rendering. This allows you to see which frames require more rendering time and need some improvements. Also visible is the time breakdown into render node boot-up, scene loading time, 3D tool loading time, and render time.
  • The option to switch between beta and latest releases has been added, eliminating the need to install two separate apps.


  • We have added a new user menu at the bottom of the navigation bar. It includes user-related links such as account, settings, and more.
  • Also, we have added a new menu item to "Help > Troubleshooting" that enables exporting all the necessary debug data. This will allow us to provide you with the best possible support in case of errors.


  • Updated the app tray menu icon and added a monochrome version for macOS.
8/10/2023 - 11:33 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where 3DS Max renders imported via Scene Manager had the path added as a prefix to the result file name.
8/8/2023 - 09:04 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where result names with dots imported with Scene Manager were shortened at the first dot.
7/20/2023 - 08:16 AM


  • Started testing Blender EEVEE engine with our beta users. If you’re interested in testing this, get in touch with us.
  • Added integration to start renderings directly from Blender with our custom plugin.


  • When you import only one render job from Scene Manager, you will directly see the render submit modal instead of the import list.


  • Added custom protocol for linux to be able to use deep links.
5/31/2023 - 09:19 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Scene Manager import process, where the start rendering of all imported scenes had incorrectly set render limits.
5/17/2023 - 01:46 PM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a re-submit bug where Scene Manager imported renders failed to auto-download results because output paths were missing.
  • Fixed a re-submit bug for 3DS Max projects, where some render limit inputs were pre-filled with default values but should have been empty.
  • Fixed a bug where render re-submits included estimation from the previous job by default. Estimations are not added to re-submits anymore.
3/31/2023 - 02:22 PM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where download progress bars would cover the entire render detail modal.
2/15/2023 - 03:00 PM


  • When estimating for multiple frames, you will now receive a list of options from which you can choose. The options range from the most affordable to the fastest results. You can choose the one that suits you best.
  • We have added the Blender Cycles engine with GPU for beta users.


  • An "Edit Billing" button has been added to the plan settings section. This allows you to update your billing information and add your VAT number.
  • Advanced settings have been added for Blender to ignore missing assets and continue rendering. This setting can also be set globally under "Settings > Renders".
  • The selected renders listing type (table or list) is now saved and will be reloaded based on the last state.
  • The render list filters are also saved and will be reloaded based on the last state.
  • A small delay has been added to the file transfers pop-over to prevent it from showing up when you move the pointer over the progress bar to another section.
  • Time duration information has been improved to better handle seconds and only show them when necessary.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where auto-download of render results did not work for projects imported through Scene Manager.
  • Fixed a bug where canceling a task displayed an error.
  • Fixed a bug where users with both production and beta clients installs sometimes received beta update information on the production client, which could not be installed and failed.
2/14/2023 - 01:56 PM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where downloads failed without having a speed limit set in the file transfers settings.
2/14/2023 - 10:23 AM


  • Extended file transfers settings with:
    • limit the upload speed
    • limit the download speed
    • file transfer strategy for downloads in case you download errors like corrupted on transfer: sizes differ

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where starting a render job failed because the project folder was not available to do the file synchronization. You should now see a warning and can continue without the file synchronization.
  • Fixed a bug where render list items had error messages undefined because the output folder couldn't be found.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the project root path failed.
  • Fixed a bug where downloading-to didn't work for render jobs with multi-channel outputs.
  • Fixed a bug where re-submit of imported scenes from Scene Manager failed to start a preview render job.
2/13/2023 - 03:48 PM


  • Under the hood improvements to make the loading times shorter by caching more data.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where deleting project didn’t work in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting render didn’t work in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where excluded folder for the file upload where still uploaded.


  • Added a new menu item to Help > Troubleshooting > Clear cache to clear your local cache without having to log out.
2/6/2023 - 08:58 AM


  • Improved initial data loading of the project and render list.
1/12/2023 - 02:00 PM


  • An all new file transfer view to make the background tasks more transparent.
    • A new modal which you can open from the menu GO > File Transfers shows the full list of running and queued background jobs.
    • File transfers show now more information like
      • which files are uploading
      • how many files are being uploaded,
      • what’s the upload speed
      • when is the ETA
      • and more
    • Upload and download progress bars have new a pop up view when you hover them. There you can see in detail what is being uploaded and you can also cancel the file transfer with one click.
    • New settings section where you can defined how many file transfers run in parallel and if background downloads are allowed to run automatically.
  • Render progress bars of render list or table items have now an pop op view when you hover over them. No need to open the full modal if you only want to see how the rendering is going.


  • Updated the help menu with improved debug information
  • Added more has more output formats for Blender Cycles: Open EXR, Open EXR multilayer and more.
  • When you get a notification, you can click on it and the client opens the right view to get more information about the notification.
  • Added .blend1 and .DS_Store files to the global exclude list of the file transfer.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where render submit for was frozen if you wanted to add a second rendering quickly.
12/6/2022 - 09:54 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where importing Scene Manager scenes and rendering them via the review button, showed an error like scene_name missing.
11/24/2022 - 12:38 PM


  • Projects are now migrated into the cloud and are visible on every device you log in with your user. If you have any problems with the migration and don’t see any or just some projects, please contact us.
  • Drop down menu for render and project list items with a “…” menu visible on the right when hovering over the item.
  • Renders with multiple output types (channels, common, raw)
    • have now output specific download buttons for each type
    • have now download progress for each type


  • Before a rendering is submitted, there is a check if the project root folder is available. If not, there is a warning with the option to skip file sync and render with the already synced files int he cloud.
  • Instead of hiding button if the action is not available, the button is newly disabled with a tool tip explaining why.
  • When you close the render client, we save the current screen location and reload it on the next start.
  • The startup is faster because we improved the data loading flow by using locally cached data first.
  • Added more toast notification to give better feedback for different actions like copy ID, start download, start file sync and more.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where deleting a project did not redirect.
  • Fixed a but where adding a render or project did not redirect to the right project.


  • Grouped application menu items in the advanced item inside the help menu.
11/16/2022 - 02:25 PM


  • Added Blender with Cycles render engine.


  • Reduced application size which improves the start-up.
  • Improved the core to make the user interactions much faster.
  • Updated the catalog selection design to make it step-by-step guide.
10/30/2022 - 11:45 AM


  • Project
    • Added a warning when adding very large projects to consider folder exclude settings to reduce the size.
  • Added toast notification when settings are saved to give you better feedback.


  • Project
    • Improved the render engine selection design.
  • Scene Manager Import
    • Extracted scenes with missing settings into its own table to only allow the review render flow.
  • Rendering
    • Added an advanced menu to the modal footer which entries like; download to, re-submit and more.
    • Added a larger download progress bar to better see the progress and the current file name.
  • Download
    • Added error alert when download failed at creating the required result folder path.

Bug Fixes

  • Download
    • Fixed a bug where download to action did not work for renderings imported by Scene Manager.
    • Fixed a bug where an alert with the message “Nothing to download” would appear after download completed.
  • Estimation
    • Fixed label of frames input where it was amount of but should be range of frames.
  • Notifications
    • Fixed a bug where the a rendering completed notification would appear every min of an already completed rendering.
  • Render
    • Fixed a bug where total progress was 1% instead of 100%.
    • Fixed a bug where stopped renderings had in progress animation and wrong duration time.
10/17/2022 - 09:38 AM


  • Added more logs for Scene Manager imports to have better error tracking.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where imported Scene Manager scenes couldn’t render without an estimation.
9/28/2022 - 11:39 AM


  • Added an estimation step to the render submit flow to get better parallelization when rendering your projects.


  • Updated the Scene Manager import flow to have multiple steps including an optional estimation and review step.
  • Added custom file extensions for Cinema 4D output settings.
9/2/2022 - 12:36 PM


  • Added Cinema4D with Redshift to the beta catalog.
  • Added new global render settings to set default for render elements in advance settings.


  • Removed the maximal 10 render job limitation when using Scene Manager import.
  • Added pending rendering to the dashboard “Running Renders” box.
  • Improved the detailed render progress by showing all at once in a table like view.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where removing excluded folders inside project settings didn’t work.
  • Fixed the total render duration time bug by including time zones into the calculation.
  • Fixed a bug where render durations over 24h didn’t show the days value.
9/1/2022 - 02:39 PM


  • Updated authentication flow on startup to prevent older versions to crash.
8/29/2022 - 09:32 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue with authentication crash on startup
8/25/2022 - 03:25 PM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a render llst items context menu bug where resubmit and open result folder actions where hidden.
8/11/2022 - 02:44 PM


  • Get a render duration and cost estimation with the all new calculator from the main navigation.


  • Added average frame duration input to
    • job submit to improve parallel node caculation.
    • Scene Manager import to improve parallel node caculation.
  • Added more render result fiel types to the render result section of the job form.
  • Renamed render job status from canceled to stopped and the related button labels.


  • Removed nodes, prames per chunk and prioritiy inputs in the advanced section of the job settings form in favor of the autoamted caclucation based on average frame druation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where changing billing account in project settings failed.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a read-only project failed.
  • Fixed wrong emission calculation for a rendering.
  • Fixed error when trying to open result image path.
8/3/2022 - 10:33 AM


  • Adds Intercom chat to contact support

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where an import from scene manager still set a pass limit even though e.g. a noise limit was already set
  • Fixes a bug with making invalid requests for logs
  • Fixes showing stopped jobs with the correct status
  • Fixes Scene Manager import override and review settings related to noise/pass limits
7/18/2022 - 11:27 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where loading a list or using right click on a list item of renders was blocking the UI.
  • Fixed a bug where Pulze Scene Manager imported rendering would start before file sync was completed.
  • Fixed a bug where importing renderings from Pulze Scene Manager led to errors with message missing name ....
  • Fixed a bug where links in the sign-in view wouldn’t open in the browser.
7/6/2022 - 01:52 PM


  • Added support for V-Ray bucket rendering. Helio now is able to render with progressive as well as bucket image sampling, depending on the settings in your Maxfile.
6/28/2022 - 12:50 PM


  • Added possibility to specify billing account when creating a project. This requires configuration on a per-customer basis.
6/24/2022 - 10:09 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where customers with existing plan had new user guide inside dashboard.
  • Fixed bug where new user for existing customer accounts saw free render units bar.
5/17/2022 - 07:03 AM


  • Added render units report for each render job to
    • render list item
    • render table row
    • render detail page
  • Added report section
    • with a preview of the current billing period and a link to the full list
    • with information about saved CO2 emissions for the current billing period
  • Updated account page
    • with active plant information
    • with link to add orupdate payment method for admin users
  • Added free render units usage information to the dashboard

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where adding the first rendering of a project had a 404 error
5/6/2022 - 06:56 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where imports from Scene Manager where showing a wrong file type in the results settings.
5/3/2022 - 08:31 AM


  • Added total progress with % and duration of a rendering in the render detail page.
  • Added duration for each render progress step.
  • Updated project create flow split into section to guide you through the process.
  • Updated project settings modal with tabs to group related configurations.
  • In the Dashboard you can now see if there is an update available.
  • Removes no-whitespace restriction in camera names
  • New menu item to check for updates manually without having to wait for the scheduled auto-updater. It also includes a download progress indicator.
  • New dropdown menu to project render list header with menu items like:
    • settings
    • sync files
    • delete

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed total progress bar calculation in render list and table.
  • Fixes a 400 error of renderings with EXR Bit Depth settings
  • Fixes table view bug where some columns where empty or with wrong values
  • Fixes render detail view where output format was set wrong in settings section
4/27/2022 - 08:53 AM


  • Removes no-whitespace restriction in camera names

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a 400 error of renderings with EXR Bit Depth settings
  • Fixes table view bug where some columns where empty or with wrong values
  • Fixes render detail view where output format was set wrong in settings section
3/31/2022 - 04:07 PM


  • New dropdown menu to project render list header with menu items like:
    • settings
    • sync files
    • delete
  • New menu item to check for updates manually without having to wait for the scheduled auto-updater. It also includes a download progress indicator.


  • Updated project create flow split into section to guide you through the process.
  • Updated project settings modal with tabs to group related configurations.
  • In the Dashboard you can now see if there is an update available.
3/29/2022 - 08:14 AM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where the bit depth selection validation failed in specific cases.
  • Fixes a bug where adding standalone engine renderings would fail with a 400 error.
  • Fixes a bug where Corona standalone render submit would fail with a 400 error.
  • Fixes a bug where deprecation warning would prevent adding new project with standalone engines.
1/12/2022 - 11:02 AM


  • All new render submit flow split into different sections
    • Settings: where you can set all your limits, view and advanced values
    • Results: where you can set all your output values
    • Review (NEW): where you have a quick overview of all defined values before submitting your rendering
  • For 3DS Max projects, you can now set the scene settings by defining scene state, camera and aspect ratio


  • New welcome screen for logged out user where you can log in or directly register a new user inside the client.
  • You can now start render all from Pulze Scene Manager imported scenes with one click.

Bug Fixes

  • Background render result download failed in some cases.
12/28/2021 - 08:22 AM


  • Added Corona Standalone render engine.


  • Render submit form footer action buttons stay in the same position and have always the same colors.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes error where passes 50 was shown in job settings.
  • Fixes download button where the user was always asked to choose a path even if it was set in the render settings.
  • Fixes download to bugs for renderings started via API couldn’t be downloaded.
  • Fixes catalog section bug where standalone engines were not set on select.
  • Fixes bug where after opening render detail modal, add job form was not editable.
12/28/2021 - 08:04 AM


  • A new dashboard section where you have a quick overview of your renderings and projects.
  • Extended the render list with a table layout which makes scanning a bigger list of renderings quicker.
  • You can now resubmit the same job with the same settings by doing a right-click on the rendering in the list and clicking resubmit.


  • A new navigation on the left to make the selection of the different sections easier.
  • A new section to show all of your renderings of all projects in one list.
  • Updates are automatically downloaded in the background and you'll see an update icon on the left navigation when it's ready to be installed.
  • You'll see different app icons and names for production and beta.
  • EXR is now the default render output type.
  • You can now start render result names with digits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug where closing a modal with ESC didn't work properly or closed all modal at once.
12/28/2021 - 07:58 AM


  • Adds a macOS version of the Render Client.
  • Adds error and warning label to render list items to let you know when a rendering needs your attention.


  • Adds Code signing for Windows client to prevent warning on install.
  • Adds a more detailed progress for renderings with shorter update interval.
  • Simplifies render list by moving detailed information into a render detail view.
  • Improves logs where you now can see duration for renderings, filter by type, search by free text and more.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes few bugs for V-Ray standalone rendering.
  • Fixes image ratio calculation which could before be sub-zero.
12/27/2021 - 04:32 PM

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where file sync with excluded folders on Windows failed.
  • Fixes a bug where submitted renderings where done with wrong 3DS Max version.
12/27/2021 - 04:30 PM


  • New input fields in render submit form:
    • Scene State
    • Aspect Ratio
    • Image Ratio


  • Shows an alert when trying to download render results but there is nothing new to be downloaded.
  • When you have running renderings and try to sync your project files, we show an alert explaining that this action could cause unexpected render results.
  • Automatically loading more logs when reaching the end of the logs list.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug in preferences section projects and general where it's showing an error message.


  • ...
12/27/2021 - 04:29 PM

Bug Fixes

  • Files bigger then 5GB resulted in errors while doing project files sync
12/27/2021 - 04:27 PM


  • Replaces scene list with filters in render job list to have better overview of all renderings of a project. You can filter your renderings based on scene, state and type.
  • Detailed progress of your rendering based on frames or cameras.
  • Uploads and downloads have now detailed progress with percentage and which file is currently been transferred.
  • Simplified the preview flow by automatically creating preview values for you. You only have to click a button if you want a preview of your original render settings.
  • If you're happy with the preview, you can start a full rendering with the original render settings with one click.
  • You can now see projects started on another workstation as cloud projects. You can download render results and watch the progress of the renderings from everywhere.


  • Shows warning if your project has already a rendering and you try to re-upload files. This could have led to wrong render results.
  • Improved file upload and download leads to faster data transfer.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug where getting logs threw an of rendering with different states.


  • Shows preview info to let you know that previews are the best to render first if you're about to render a scene for the first time.
12/27/2021 - 04:25 PM


  • Deep link to open app via URL
  • New authentication flow with Helio ID
  • New render web with render job list
  • Added V-Ray render engine


  • Automatic project file upload when adding new project
  • Full screen for render job logs
  • More flexible exclude solution for project files sync

Bug Fixes

  • Bug where date in log was undefined
  • Windows: fixes multiple Helio Render tray icons
  • macOS: fixes open new window on icon click


  • Improved try menu to reopen and focus existing window
  • Adds warning if there are not render limitation set
  • Removes "no empty space" requirement for project folders and max files
12/27/2021 - 04:24 PM

Bug Fixes

  • Typo in activity menu


  • Updates render cli to v3.1.0 to further improve render stability
12/27/2021 - 04:20 PM


  • New three lane layout for better overview
  • Right-click for projects, scenes and render jobs to get quick access to actions like: delete, settings, open folder and more.
  • Ability to drag-n-drop folders to add new project
  • Preferences window
  • FAQ window
  • Release notes window
  • Native notification for
    • Finished project file sync
    • Finished/failed rendering
    • Finished/failed render result download
  • Multi window support
  • You can close all windows and helio will rund in the background
  • Added icon to activity menu to access in background running processes


  • Render engine to react better on errors
  • List are sorted based on create date
  • Shows alert if an an error happened while opening path

Bug Fixes

  • Error when opening logs on a failed job
  • Download error when output folder was missing
  • Bug where adding scene button was disabled
  • Missing initial form validation bug with wrong prefilled values


Unchain your creativity with astonishing render results.